

The EcoStar program maintains a library of documents on eco-industrial development concepts and applications.”- EcoStar Standard 5 Business Linkage to Improve Efficiency, Page 31, EcoStar Action Guide.

Text Box: Water Use and Wastewater Discharge Roundtable -- Friday, April 4, 2008.  Participants reviewed regulatory requirements for wastewater treatment and discharge systems, drinking water, water withdrawal, wetlands protection, spill prevention, control and countermeasures and the basics of water conservation.  Here are some of the resources that were made available to participants:
OTA Review of Water Rules
Water Conservation Study
Text Box: Hazardous Waste Management Roundtable -- Friday, June 20, 2008.  This discussion provided attendees with a comprehensive overview of hazardous waste management rules as well as a brief history of efforts to reduce hazardous waste at the source.  Topics covered included federal and state hazardous waste disposal laws, volatile organic compounds and national ambient air quality standards, methods of reducing emissions, and more.  Here are some of the resources that were made available to participants:
Hazardous Waste Management