

EcoStar can help your company be a better environmental performer and improve your bottom line.  It’s a win-win scenario, benefiting business and the environment.”- Peter Lowitt, Director, Devens Enterprise Commission.

Text Box: EcoStar provides members with multiple benefits and access to valuable resources.  Membership definitely does have its privileges! Member organizations receive the following:

Training:  EcoStar members receive free enrollment in 10 monthly workshops.  These two-hour sessions are facilitated by an expert in the field of the topic and provide participants with an opportunity to learn about and exchange best practices. 

Educational Materials:  Members receive a copy of the comprehensive EcoStar Action Guide (see below for more details) as well as access to our evolving library of reference materials that address a wide spectrum of topics. Members will also receive a copy of EcoStar’s quarterly newsletter, The Standard.

Technical Support: Member organizations can receive two hours of dedicated technical assistance each month to help them achieve their environmental goals.  Support can be in the area of research, program development, employee education, performance evaluation, etc.

Networking:  EcoStar activities provide participants with valuable opportunities to strengthen their communication network, establish business linkages, and build mentoring relationships with other like-minded individuals and entities.

EcoStar Exchange:  Members receive a login to the online Exchange tool that can be used to find new purposes for reusable materials and items and to facilitate joint purchasing of environmentally preferable products or training services. 

Cost Savings:  Members are lower their operational costs by implementing the best practices presented at workshops and described in the Action Guide, taking advantages of products, materials, and services posted on the EcoStar Exchange, and by partnering with other members to achieve mutual goals.   Making more efficient use of resources not only saves the member money, but it can also lowers operational, environmental and health risks.

EcoStar Participant Recognition:  Organizations that regularly attend workshops and are actively working on incorporated EcoStar Standards into their daily activities are encouraged to inform their employees, suppliers, and customers that they are EcoStar Participants to communicate their commitment to being responsible stewards and to stand out in the marketplace.

EcoStar Achiever Status: Members who adopt 15 of the Standards receive the ability to use the use EcoStar Achiever logo in their publicity and marketing materials.  This designation will provide the organization with a unique competitive branding advantage.  Achievers also receive an award plaque and various forms of public recognition.

Click here to Join!

As EcoStar grows, so do the membership benefits!
Industrial Ecology


