[FrontPage Save Results Component] Text Box: WORKSHOP REGISTRATION










Company Name:


Name of Workshop/Roundtable Attendee(s):







Company Address:



Phone Number:



E-Mail Address:



Is your organization an

EcoStar Member?                                    



Have you previously attended

EcoStar Workshops or Roundtables?                          



EcoStar Member Registration Fee:        No Charge


Businesses that achieve LEED certification have reduced environmental impacts, increased energy efficiency, and improved quality of the work environment for their employees.”- EcoStar Standard 11 Green Building Design, Page 53, EcoStar Action Guide.

Non–Member Payment Instructions:

*Non members can pay by credit card using our secure paypal on-line payment option by clicking the appropriate “Pay Now” button below.  Non-members can also submit the electronic registration form above and either bring your registration fee to the workshop/roundtable or mail your registration fee (check payable to the Devens Eco-Efficiency Center) to Dona Neely, 33 Andrews Parkway, Devens, MA 01434. 


Non-Member Registration Fee:              *$25.00 for Workshops


                                                                   *$20.00 for Roundtables


Contact Dona with any questions at 978-772-8831 or donaneely@ecostardevens.com 

Name of Workshop/Roundtable you are Registering for: